The problem

Some Context

I've been using Stripe to handle payments for Schedule Guru; and some of my tests call out to stripe. So far the main issue this has caused is that they run fairly slowly. I have around 50 tests that call out to stripe, and when I run them they increase my test run time from ~20 seconds to ~60 seconds. This isn't that bad from an absolute time to run all of my tests; and the added benefit of being able to test my payment handling logic is worth it.

CI/CD via Github

I currently use github actions to run my tests on any merge to master, and if they pass automatically deploy. This means that these tests are usually run a few times most evenings; which is exactly what I intended. What I didn't realize is that some of the stripe tests attach test payment methods to the customers I create for testing; and that they don't clean up after themselves when they create these methods.

What happened

This week that bit me. My tests started failing with a 400 from stripe's API indicated that I had reached the maximum number of payment methods on a customer.

That was news to me; as I didn't think the tests were actually attaching these payment methods. However, until I fixed this the tests would fail to run and I couldn't use github to run my tests and deploy.

The Solution

This isn't a very complicated issue - the root cause is that my tests aren't cleaning up after themselves. So the solution was to learn how ExUnit handles cleanup logic. I also wanted a quick and dirty solution so that my tests would be able to run again.

After some fairly quick googling, I found that ExUnit supports on_exit callbacks. They can be registered on demand, and will always run regardless of errors in tests or other callbacks.


So now I new how to run the code, I needed to write the code. I'm using stripity_stripe to communicate with stripe; which doesn't have a built in paging mechanism (it's a fairly low level library). However it does expose a nice and consistent api for maching requests to Stripe.

Stripe supports at least a few hundred payment methods attached to a customer at a time, however their API limits pages to at most 100 objects. So I needed to write some code to execute an action for each object.

My first attempt focused on just paging through the customers:

def for_each(stripe_account, starting_after \\ nil, action) do
  params = if starting_after != nil,
    do: %{limit: 100, start_after: starting_after},
    else: %{limit: 100}

  case Stripe.Customer.list(params, connect_account: stripe_account) do
    {:ok %{data: data, has_more: has_more}} ->
      Enum.each(data, action)

      if has_more,
        do: for_each(stripe_account, List.last(data).id, action)

    other -> raise other

This allowed me to list all of my customer in my test account, and got me on the right path. I was then able to modify this to support additional object types like so:

def for_each(module, stripe_account, params \\ %{}, action) do
  case module.list(params, connect_account: stripe_account) do
    {:ok %{data: data, has_more: has_more}} ->
      Enum.each(data, action)

      if has_more,
        do: for_each(
          Map.put(params, :start_after, List.last(data).id),

    other -> raise other

The Simple fix

In order to get my tests passing, I was able to use this in iex to detach the payment methods from the test customers:

for_each(Stripe.Customer, stripe_account, fn customer ->
  for_each(Stripe.PaymentMethod, stripe_account, %{customer:}, fn method ->
    Stripe.PaymentMethod.detach(, connect-account: stripe_account)

This fixed the issue of my tests failing; however it didn't actually address the root cause. To address that, I had to create an on_exit callback that would detach any payment methods attached during a test.

I already tag all of the tests which communicate with stripe so that I can exclude them when running the tests locally; and I don't want this exit handler called when those tests are aren't even run. The simplest solution is to run that code after any test which interacts with stripe. I ended up going with this solution for the time being despite a few issues. The most significant issue with this approach is that it detaches all payment methods from all customers, regardless of if they were attached during this test run or not. I'll be updating this to be more selective down the road; however the simplicity is worth it for the time being.

I created an ExUnit case template to handle adding the callbacks:

defmodule StripeCase do
  @moduledoc """
  This template handles cleaning up after stripe based tests
  use ExUnit.CaseTemplate

  setup_all %{tenant: tenant} do
    config = ExUnit.configuration()

    exclude = Keyword.get(config, :exclude, [])

    if not Enum.member?(exclude, :stripe) do
      stripe_account = "act_1234" # get stripe connect acccount

      on_exit(fn ->
        for_each(Stripe.Customer, stripe_account, fn customer ->
            %{customer: customer, type: "card"},
            fn method ->
              IO.puts(:stderr, "Cleaning up stripe payment method #{}")

                connect_account: stripe_account


  defp for_each(module, account_id, params \\ %{}, body) do
    with {:ok, %{data: data, has_more: has_more}} <-
           module.list(params, connect_account: account_id) do
      Enum.each(data, body)

      if has_more,
            Map.put(params, :starting_after, List.last(data).id),
      err -> raise err